Fundamental of Cyber Security

This course is an opportunity for interdisciplinary study in understanding cyber security, system security, cybercrime, cyberthreats, network security and the principles of secure engineering systems alongside the legal and regulatory framework that surrounds this. Through immersive, hands-on experience, you will learn the fundamental skills for cybersecurity and put them into action on practical exercises.

This course has a total of 40 lessons. The total cost of the course is $1200.


You will be enhanced your knowledge of Cyber Security with the following topics –

  • Introducing Cyber Security and its Standard
  • Exploring Cyber threats and Attacks
  • Internet etiquette and how to stay safe on the worldwide web
  • Defining Network, OSI Model, and its Security 
  • Potential effects of our digital footprints
  • Protection from online risks, Prevents attacks like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS).
  • Introducing Hacking and hackers, Involves public, private, and hybrid clouds.
  • Exploring Ethical hackings, Scanning & Maintaining Access
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery attack, Assessing potential risks to systems and data., Hash Functions, Brute Force Attack
  • Explaining Cryptography, and Keys to use in Cryptography.
  • Enforces rights and responsibilities in cyberspace.


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Duration: 10 Lessons



Ends on 19 December 2020, Hurry Up!